I’m writing this hoping to
see reconciliation and hope come out of it, instead of fundamentalism and
anger; Love and Peace instead of
Hatred and War. My Savior, Jesus
Christ, came to reconcile the world to God, to show that we must love God and
love one another. These are the
greatest commandments, but I confess I (and the Christian community I’m a part
of) haven’t always done this. So
please read this confession and know that bigotry, hatred, anger, and racism have
no place in Christianity.
I confess that I (and fellow
Christians) have approached others in a state of judgment rather than a state
of love and acceptance.
I confess that my church (not
my God) has often chosen to exclude rather than include.
I confess that my church (not
my God) has perverted the greatest message of hope, social justice, and love
into something that hurts humanity rather than lifts it up.
I confess that I and many
like me have challenged, insulted, and condemned rather than shared the message
of hope, love, and reconciliation found in Christ.
I confess that many of us, in
our quest to be right with God, have missed that we should have been sharing
the love of God, and instead have made others feel like outsiders, or rejected
them outright. (Jesus ate with
sinners, and came to redeem, not condemn)
I confess that many of us
(Christians) have become known for what or who we are against, and not for what
(who) we are for. It’s about
Grace, not judgment.
I confess that I have been a
hypocrite, not living out my faith.
We should be living the faith, not just saying it.
I confess that I have talked
when I should have been listening, attacked when I should have been loving, and
drove people away when I should have been welcoming them into the Church.
I confess that many
Christians (me included) have hidden behind the walls of the Church instead of
living an authentic witness in the world.
I confess that my religion
has led to wars, violence and hatred.
But know that it didn’t start that way, nor will it end that way.
I confess that church should
be a hospital for sinners (everybody, me included), not a sanctuary for saints.
There is more of course, but
I think you get the idea. I
believe if you are not sharing grace, you are missing the point of Jesus’
ministry. So, now that the air has
been cleared, when you get angry at Christians, remember not all of us are what
you see on tv or hear on the radio.
The Westboro idiots are not Christians, as anyone who espouses that God
hates anyone is ignorant of Jesus’ teachings.
Remember it’s about
reconciliation, loving others, living an authentic witness, and spreading the
good news. Now go forth and feed
the sheep.