We, as Christians live under Grace. What does this mean for us? That term is thrown around a lot today. As a Wesleyan, I often talk about Prevenient Grace, Justifying Grace, and Sanctifying Grace. It's a way to try to understand Grace. The truth is there is only one Grace, but we do this to help grow our understanding of it.
It is unfortunate that so many people today do not understand Grace, and they don't feel that they can go to a "normal" church as they feel out of place, unaccepted, judged, or simply feel they cannot measure up or be "good enough."
That's a shame. As Christians we are called to grow the Kingdom, to Love God and Love Others. When a visitor feels this way it is a failure of the humans involved, not a failure of God. These folks are good people, generally with good hearts and good intentions, but it is so easy to fall into the "norm" of worship; to worry more about the place, the time, the music, the sermon, being seen, doing the stuff of church, and not coming to the true heart of worship. Are we loving God? Magnifying Him and His glory? Are we loving others by showing that we really care about them? Do we listen to them? Do we seek them out? Welcome them despite their differences? Do we offer the hand of friendship to those who are different, look different, dress different, even those who vote differently?
When I think on this, I point the finger directly at myself. Am I doing what Jesus wants me to be doing? Am I showing love through my Christian action? Am I growing the kingdom through my actions. It's so important to remember that Jesus rarely taught in the synagogues, instead he was with the people. He went where they were. This was so revolutionary, that the leaders of the Jewish Church felt threatened. Jesus wasn't doing it their way.
In Luke 5:29-32, Jesus went to eat with Levi, a Jewish Tax-Collector for the hated Romans. According to the Law, no one was worse than that. The worst kind of sinner because he profited at the cost of all other Jews. But Jesus went to eat in Levi's home. "Then Levi gave a great banquet for him in his house and there was a large crowd of tax collectors and others sitting at the table with them. The Pharisees and their scribes were complaining to his disciples, saying, 'Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?' Jesus answered, 'Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I have come to call not the righteous but sinners to repentance."
We are to seek out others, spread the Good News. We can do this because we live under Grace.
To understand Grace, you have to understand Sin. Sin is anything we do that takes us out of our relationship with God. Sin can be all the big ones; murder, rape, other criminal activities, but it can also be watching football rather than attending worship, or partying rather than being with our families. We often sin against God and against others. Why is this important?
Jesus was asked what was the Greatest Commandment. In Mark 12:30, Jesus answered "The first is, Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these." In a nutshell, Jesus is saying Love God and Love Others. We should seek to do this in all our interactions, and most often in Worship.
So we are all guilty of sinning against God and against others. We fail all the time, daily. It is our human nature to fail and fall short of the glory of God. The Bible tells us, "No one is righteous, no not one." That was true 2000 years ago, and that is true today. So if we all fail God and each other, what can we do?
Only one thing. Accept Christ as your savior. See he died on a cross as the final sacrifice for all our sins. Our debt is paid in full. But wait, Ed, I didn't earn it. That's right, you didn't, and you can't. For nothing you can do can measure up to Christ's sacrifice on that cross. That is what we mean by Grace. It's a free gift for all humanity. All you have to do is accept it. Christ is the savior, he died so all humanity might be saved.
God is perfect and cannot look upon sin. But now, when you have accepted Christ's gift of Grace, God looks upon you and sees a sinless Christ. That is Grace!
I remember my grandparents, loving good people, but they were terrified that they were not going to be "good enough" or "prayed up enough" to be allowed into heaven. I'm sad today, because I'm sure they are in heaven, but their years of living were filled with doubt and fear of God, when what He really wanted from them was love and awe; a perfect relationship of a good and loving Father and an obedient son/daughter. They didn't understand Grace.
But they would argue, if they were here today, "I have sins. Many may be unrepented. If I'm not prayed up, I'll be doomed to a fire-filled hell." My answer to that is found in Romans 8:38: "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."
That's Grace. If you accept Him, you are forgiven, You become a child of the King of Everything. His sacrifice paid the price for our sins. How do we respond to Grace. We seek to worship God, to have a relationship with Him, and to Love Him with all our heart, all our strength. Then we are to love others, to care for them as we care for ourselves. That is the proper response to our Christianity. It doesn't matter where we meet to worship, or who we are with, or how we are dressed, or anything else. Are we worshipping God with our Love? Are we seeking Him in our lives? Are we loving others as Jesus loved them? Remember Grace, be thankful for it, and share it with others.
Love to all,
Monday, July 14, 2014
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Love, Not Hate: Last Scene
Last one. This one is based on a true story that happened in Egypt. You can find pictures of it online. People ARE basically good. We share the same loves, desires, and hope for the future.
Love, Not Hate
Hello. I’m Peter
Commons. I was raised in the 90s, but I
grew up on September 11, 2001. I lived
in Brooklyn and worked in New York at the World Trade Center. Luckily I was on the 7th floor
when the first plane hit. At first we
didn’t even evacuate. We thought it was
just some sort of freak accident, but it was still a work day. Still things had to get done. But when the second plane hit, well, we knew
we had to go. My boss, John, he stayed
behind, working in the stairwell, moving up and down the floors, helping people
evacuate. I wanted to. I really did, but I was scared. I didn’t want to stay and help.
I mean, I was a young man, and life was good, and I just
wasn’t ready to take a chance. I did
help John for about 2o minutes, but I could feel the building shaking, and I
saw those brave firemen and policemen running up the stairs towards the
inferno. It just wasn’t in me. I felt that vibration in the stairwell, and I
ran. I was scared. I ran.
I survived. I got out
of there. John didn’t. The last we ever heard of him was that he
helped a lady with a broken leg down fifteen flights of stairs. She survived.
He ran back inside. I don’t know
how many people he saved that day. He
gave his life for them. Left a wife,
Mary, and two teenaged boys. They never
identified his body.
The next few years, I kept reliving it in my mind, in my
nightmares. I grew to hate all
Muslims. I saw them as the enemy. Then, my cousin, Karen, who married an
Egyptian Christian wrote me this note.
I want to share it with you: [takes out letter]
“Dear Peter, I know you have been worried about us as Egypt
has really erupted in violence. I know
you have heard of the 21 Christians who were killed in that terrorist attack by
the radical Islamists. Well, Christmas
Eve was the scariest night of my life.
We had been warned not to attend Mass, to stay away from the church, but
we couldn't. We couldn’t deny our
savior. We left our homes, afraid that
we would never return. That the promised
attacks on us on this holy night would be the end. That the Muslims would never let us worship
or follow our beliefs.
As we approached the church, we parked several blocks away,
and walked, they were there, waiting for us.
Hundreds of Muslims, in front of our church. At first we thought they were a mob waiting
to prevent us from celebrating Christmas Eve Mass. But they weren’t. They met us, hugged us, and told us that “if
the terrorists want to kill you, they’ll have to kill us to. They stayed there, the entire mass, waiting
outside the church, acting as human shields, willing to give their lives for
I read this, and it broke me. John’s sacrifice, then these Muslims, the
ones I thought were all evil, did this and possibly saved my cousin Karen and
her family. And I realized, life should
never be about hate and fear, but about Love.
Love of God, and Love of Others.
I’m Peter, and my message is love.
Jimmy: Scene Six
This one is made up, but loosely based on some folks I know. If you have ever been blessed to know someone as good as Jimmy, then you know people like this really do exist.
Hi. I’m a nurse. Yeah, I know, male nurse. Go on, get the giggles outa your system. I’m used to it. I like being a nurse. I like helping people. But I was missing something. I just wasn’t satisfied with my life. I needed…something else. I work at the local hospital and I usually work
60 or more hours a week. I’ve cleaned
bed pans, changed out IVs, given sponge baths, witnessed birth, and death. I’ve seen people whose bodies were torn
beyond recognition in horrible accidents, and I’ve seen people die peaceably in
their sleep. I’ve witnessed the horrors
of cancer, alzheimers, you name it.
About a year ago, I was getting really jaded, you know. The job I had loved, had become just another
job. I had hardened my heart against the
pain and suffering. I tried to be nice,
you know, to joke around, smile, but I just couldn’t afford to let myself care
too much.
Then I met Jimmy.
Jimmy was an older fella, mid to late 70s, with pure cotton
top gray hair and a cherubic body with a big smile, though he was missing most
of his teeth. I met him several times in
the past few months. He was coming to
the hospital for cancer treatment. It
was late stage stuff, and he gasped for every breath, but he was always smiling. Always humming songs of worship, and he would
always find people to pray with.
What I found really amazing is that he wouldn’t ever mention
his own prayers, for himself, he always prayed for others. Even the nurses and doctors on the
The second time he came in, it was to the emergency room,
his heart was beating irregularly, but even then, he never lost his composure,
smiling in the pain, saying “God Bless You” to everyone who came in, and
offering to pray for anyone there. I
couldn’t get that image of him praying for others, while he was being eaten up
with cancer, while he was dying, he was praying for life for others. I was blown away.
I met his granddaughter, Tyler. She’s a lovely girl, and I fell for her
quickly. After work one night, I took
her to Dairy Queen for ice cream. I
asked her about her grandfather. Had he
always been that way?
She shook her head, “No, but he is now.” With tears in her eyes she told me that he
had been a successful businessman and real estate tycoon and had been a real
sock it to them kinda guy. But after
retirement, he began to mellow. Joined a
church, etcetera. She said that she
thought he was just going through the motions, you know, to be seen being a
good guy, or to pay whatever price he needed to , to have peace of mind that
when he does die, that he will go to heaven and not to hell.
I nodded, and told her I got it, but she shook her head,
“No, you don’t. He really did give his
life to Christ. He changed, utterly and
totally. The past few years he worked
even harder to help others, than he did when he was a businessman and real
estate mogul. The day he found out about
the cancer, he went home and pulled out his old book of contacts. He spent the next three days contacting
everyone who he thought he had wronged all those years in business, anyone that
he thought might have anything against him.
He didn’t tell them about the cancer.
He simply said, “I want to let you know that I’m sorry for whatever
happened between us, and I’m asking for your forgiveness.” Some hung up on him, some laughed, some
accepted his apology.
Jimmy died a month ago.
His funeral was the largest I’ve ever attended In my life. So many people wanting to pay respects to
this man. Most said, they hadn’t even
known he had cancer. And I was struck by
what the preacher said that day. “The
love we show for others, the life we lead here, reflects the love of God for us. That we as the body of Christ, have a duty to
love God, and to love others.”
I grew up a lot the day we buried Jimmy. Now I pray everyday. I pray for all those in my care. I pray for the doctors and staff of the hospital,
and I try to live a life that reflects the love of God. I’m blessed for it, as Tyler has agreed to
marry me and become my wife. So whenever
things look bad for you, or you find yourself in a dark place, think of Jimmy,
think of his love and know that it was a mere reflection, a ripple on a pond,
of the love of Christ. Love all.
School Buddy: Scene Five
Snopes says this never happened, as it is an internet story that has been going around for a long time. This is a reworking of the idea.
School Buddy
I’ll never forget the day Mark and I became friends. I had seen him around school, and I knew he
was different. He always seemed sad and
he was kind of a nerd. He wore big old
black plastic framed glasses, the lens like coke bottles, a shock of rarely
combed hair, and he was shorter than most of the boys in our class.
I hate to admit it, but I never
even tried to get to know him or even talk to him until one day in early
September of our Freshman year. Stanley,
the local bully and a Senior loved giving freshmen a hard time. Especially those who would never fight
back. Freshmen like Mark.
Well, I had just walked into the bathroom
and I saw Stanley and two other seniors had Mark backed into one of the toilet
stalls. They were picking him up and
trying to put his head in the toilet.
Mark cried and begged and fought best he could. Something broke in me, I wanted to turn and
walk away, not get involved, but this wasn’t right. I never could do that. No body deserved to be treated like that.
“Stop it!” I yelled.
“Another one!” they shouted. One of the seniors left the pack and started
towards me. Well, he was a whole lot
bigger than me, and I ain’t stupid. I
ran. I busted outta that bathroom and
screamed for help. (Laughs), yeah, I
admit it, my voice hadn’t really changed yet and I was a pretty soprano! Well, Mr. Lamb our Principal, just happened
to be near by and within minutes the Seniors were expelled and Mark and I were
safe. At least till they returned to
Mark couldn’t believe that I had
stood up for him. He invited me to his
house that night to play video games.
I’m glad he did. We became the
very best of friends. And we survived
our Freshman year. Mark was in band, I
played football, he was on the chess club, I…wasn’t. It didn’t matter. People figured out real quick that when you
messed with one of us, you messed with both of us. Eventually we graduated high school. And of course, Mark was Valedictorian. I was…well, I wasn’t, but I graduated to.
I’ll never forget his speech that
night. He said, “When I was a freshman,
my parents were getting a divorce. I
didn’t have a single friend, and I believed no one cared about me. One day I stole my father’s .45 pistol,
brought it to school. I planned on
getting through the day, then going to the band hall and killing myself. I didn’t think I had anything to live
for. That day, some Seniors came around
and started bullying me. I even thought
about pulling the gun and shooting them, but I was saved. A boy I didn’t even know, stood up to them,
and got help for me. He became my best
friend, and I am here today, because he chose to care.” He thanked me. Called me out in front of everyone. I don’t remember much of that. Too many tears in my eyes. I didn’t deserve it, I hadn’t really done
anything too special, but for Mark, it was enough. It was enough.
A Mother's Worries: Scene Four
This one is close to me as a parent of a special needs child. You may remember a very similar story on national news recently.
A Mother’s Worries
So I was flying on a six hour trip from Houston to
Washington D.C. with my daughter, Nellie.
Nellie is only seven years old and has down syndrome. She can be very precocious, outspoken, and
has a high pitched laugh that can drive you crazy.
Anyway, we were not able to sit next to each other and my
seat was in the row behind her’s. I was
on the aisle, there was a middle seat, and Nellie was sitting next to the
window. I was worried that whoever might
sit next her might not be very understanding, because whoever did would have
Nellie talking to them the entire flight.
As late passengers arrived and boarded, a tall young man
came on and proceeded to sit next to Nellie.
I think he was probably in his early 20s, maybe a recent college
graduate or something. He was wearing
blue jeans, a New England Patriots sweater, and had white ear buds from his
IPod hanging from his ears.
Well good, I thought.
He’ll just tune her out. As the
plane began to taxi to prepare to take off, Nellie got nervous. She looked over her shoulder at me and I
could see fear in her eyes. “It’s okay
baby,” I smiled and tried to comfort her.
The man next to her pulled his right ear bud out and looked
at Nellie. “You okay?” he asked. She shook her head, “No, I’m scared.” He smiled, offered his hand to her. She took it and held on to him as we thundered
down the runway.
The man laughed as the plane took off, and said,
“Wheee!” causing Nellie to laugh and
several of us around to join in.
Once in the sky he could have let go of her hand. He didn’t, he continued to hold her hand in
his and listened to her talk about her Barbie collection and Sponge Bob Square
Pants. The young man apparently watched
that show as well as they started singing
“I’m a goofy goober!” Again the
whole plane to laugh and enjoy their antics.
I listened as he told her he had been in Houston visiting
his old college roommate, and that he was returning home to Washington. He was a school teacher there.
They continued like this until the flight was over. When it came time to disembark, Nellie stood
up and hugged him. He had made the trip
worthwhile, just by showing that he cared.
He cared enough to talk to and laugh with a special needs child. How many of us would ignore her, or
worse? That young man is my hero, and he
will forever have my love for what he did for my daughter.
Forgiveness of the Amish: Scene Three
This one is based on a true event, that brings tears to my eyes. Am I this good of a Christian? Probably not. I'd like to be.
Forgiveness of the
Forgiveness. Everyone
says we must forgive. But that’s hard
for me. I can say I forgive someone, but
in my heart I don’t. I hold grudges, I
know I do. Does this mean I’m a bad
And even if I forgive, there’s no way I’ll ever forget when
someone hurts me or my family. I hear
these Christians saying we are to love others.
We are to forgive them, but are they just speaking the words? I mean is it really in anyone’s heart to
I’d say no. I’d like
to think everyone else is just as bad as I am.
That true forgiveness is not possible, unless your Jesus Christ, I
mean. For the rest of us, it just is not
reality. It’s not the world we live in.
But then I hear stories of amazing forgiveness and it blows
me away. Have you ever heard of those
Amish people up north. You know they live
plainly, wear clothes from the 19th century, live without
electricity, tv, radio, etc. They drive
wagons with horses to town. Man they
would drive me crazy if they lived down here.
Can you imagine driving down 21 and nearly stopping because an Amish Buggy
was in the road cruising at fifteen miles per hour? I’d be laying on the horn. Crazy right?
Well, a few years back I saw this news story on tv. A crazy guy with a gun entered a small Amish
school house and shot and killed several children, a teacher, and then turned
the gun on himself.
These Amish folks, devote people, a fundamental people, and
they had every right to be angry at our world that had intruded on theirs. One of our people had murdered their
children. I can’t even imagine what that
would be like. A parent’s worst
But it’s what they did next that brings me back. The parents of the murdered children, these
Amish parents, they gathered food and took it to the home of the parents of the
murderer. They said, “We are not the only
ones who have lost loved one’s today. It
is not their fault that their son did this, and we must forgive and move
What? They took food
to the killer’s family! They wanted to
show forgiveness. To show charity. To show love.
Now, I know it is not in me to be that good of a
person. But isn’t that what true
Christians are called to do. To love and
to forgive others.
It really gets to me, you know.
Who is Hurting? Scene Two
Okay, this next one is made up. One character on stage, one in the tech booth as the "voice."
Who is Hurting?
Character: I wanted
to get involved. To help people. I’m a good person. I’m willing to help folks when they need
it. But I mean really, what difference
can one person really make?
Voice from Above:
Save all mankind.
Character: Yeah, but
that was Jesus, you know God. He wasn’t
human, I mean, only half.
Voice: WRONG! He was fully Human, and fully Divine!
Character: Okay,
okay. I think I remember that, but I
mean no one can measure up to Jesus. Is
that what you are telling me to do?
Voice: No, it’s not,
and you are right, no one can. That’s
why he was the Savior and you are the saved.
Character: So I am
right then?
Voice: About what?
Character: I really
can’t make a difference, not really. One
person can’t solve homelessness, fix alcoholism or other drug addictions. I’m right.
Voice: You think so?
Character: Yep. I do.
I mean I do care, but I don’t
really have time to get involved and
anything I do won’t make a difference anyway.
Voice: Have you ever
heard the story of the little girl and the 1000s of beached starfish.
Character: Can’t say
that I have.
Voice: A little girl
was on the beach one morning surrounded by thousands of beached starfish. As the sun was coming up the starfish were
slowly dying. The girl would bend over,
carefully pick one up, and throw it as far as she could into the water. Then she would do it again. A man came by and asked her what she was
doing. She replied, “I’m saving the
starfish.” The man shook his head and
said, “You can’t save them all, you should just leave them alone. It doesn’t really make a difference you
know.” The little girl looked at the
man, picked up another starfish, threw it into the sea, then answered, “It made
a big difference to that one.” The man
thought about it, and joined the little girl,
saving as many of the starfish as they could.
Character: Okay, I
get ya. It matters to those that are
helped. But I still don’t have time to
really do anything.
Voice: You want a
Character: I dunno
about that. I guess if I’m giving my
money or my time I should at least be recognized for what I did.
Hello?....Hello? Are you there?
Voice: Yes.
Character: Why did
you bug out like that?
Voice: I thought
maybe your big head on stage was enough.
Might get crowded.
Character laughs:
Voice: Why do we do
good things for others?
Character: I dunno.
Voice: We do good
deeds not to be Christian, but because we are Christians.
Character: Well,
that’s pretty high falootin’ of ya.
Voice: Not really.
Jesus said “Be a servant to all.”
Character: “But how?”
Voice: Visit those
who are sick in the hospital, those in prison, widowers, work with orphans,
give food to hungry, water to the thirsty, clothes to the needy.
Character: Sounds
like socialism.
Voice: No. It sounds like love.
Character: Okay, I
get the sick, widows and orphans, but those guys in prison are scary.
Voice: God does not
judge a man until he is dead. So why
should you? You are called to be a
witness, not a lawyer or a judge.
Laughs. Alright. I get it.
I’m gonna do better. I’m gonna
stand on the promises of God.
Voice: Maker sure
your standing and not just sitting on them!
Character turns to leave, then : “Hey. I’ll do my best, but what if it isn’t good
Voice: It’s
okay. God doesn’t grade on a curve, he
grades on a Cross.
Sharing Stuff
I was asked to pick a play for the Burleson Theater Arts Guild, but it turned out they had picked Easter Weekend for it, and it was given to me about 1.5 months out. We agreed to make it an Easter Themed play without being too "preachy" or "testimonial." Everything I found was written for Junior high actors and I just wasn't pleased by it. So I decided to write some dramatic/comedic scenes based on real life goodness, was planning on having a normal dinner theater, and having a live band playing ten or so songs (a mix of contemporary Christian and good old Rock and Roll). At our last meeting we all agreed we just didn't have enough time to pull it off, but I thought I'd share my writings here.
Most of these are based on real life events with a focus on Love God, Love Others. The opening was just me having fun.
Anyways, here goes, enjoy....
Most of these are based on real life events with a focus on Love God, Love Others. The opening was just me having fun.
Anyways, here goes, enjoy....
(Actor comes into the audience, band on stage, lights up, spot on actor)
Welcome to our Easter Saturday Night of fellowship, music,
and theater.
We welcome everyone, and any denomination (we accept 1s, 5s,
10s, 20s, heck even a 100 if you are so inclined).
I been studying the Bible and I’m amazed at all the
characters. I mean there are some real
characters in there.
I mean start with Adam, before Eve showed up, I think his
theme song went (One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do.) *Band picks
up and sings)
And poor Eve…she didn’t have much choice, she was really
stuck with Adam. If you were the only
man on earth….heh…well, here I am! I
think her theme song would be “Stuck in the Middle with You.”
But together Adam and Eve, They were really a pair. I mean together they invented the greatest of
foods and have their own song “Cheeseburger in Paradise.”
And then there was Noah…I think I know the perfect theme
song for him, “Raindrops keep falling on my head.”
Esau, man he was a mess.
I think he was (Born to be wild).
Samson, you remember he had the hair that made him super
strong. I got his song too, “(Hair!)
Daniel’s would be (The Lion sleeps tonight).
Methusalah…oldest man ever right. He was just (Staying alive, Staying Alive).
And finally there was Joshua singing (Good Vibrations)
Thank you for coming and enjoy the show!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Love is the Greatest Commandment
It's been sometime since I last posted. Being a football coach really ate up my entire Fall, then the Holidays, and then getting back to work. I was blessed in November, December and January to be called to preach at several churches including my home church of First United Methodist of Caldwell. It was wonderful and endearing for me to be able to bring God's word and His Love to others.
I belong to a Facebook Group called Fans for Christ. It's a bunch of Scify, Fantasy, Gaming geeks like me, who also believe Jesus is the Savior. Some of the posts are questions about various denominational beliefs and doctrines. I stay out of those. My best comment for that is "go ask your preacher/priest." But there are some occasional great questions. Here is one: "Do any of you pray for atheist leaders?" There were several answers. One stated "No" and went on to state that "Christians need to catch up" with them on the internet.
First, we should be praying for EVERYONE, regardless of religion, beliefs, values, or even political party. Jesus taught us to pray for our enemies, to love our enemies.
What is the best response? Living an authentic witness. Be Christlike. Love God, Love Others in everything you do. Don't judge, don't debate, don't berate, don't belittle, don't attack, don't protest, don't do anything that does not show love. And please, don't attack with vehemence and then try to hide it with "The Bible Says...." Cause if you do, you ain't reading it all, and you may have missed the important Jesus parts. You know, the parts about loving others, being a servant to all, or following His example. You Cannot, Will Not Save anyone! Only Jesus Saves. Your job is to live an authentic witness, be prepared to share your testimony when asked, to be a servant to all, and to Love everyone, even those that you may find it difficult to love.
You plant the seeds, the Holy Spirit will grow them.
In Christ,
I belong to a Facebook Group called Fans for Christ. It's a bunch of Scify, Fantasy, Gaming geeks like me, who also believe Jesus is the Savior. Some of the posts are questions about various denominational beliefs and doctrines. I stay out of those. My best comment for that is "go ask your preacher/priest." But there are some occasional great questions. Here is one: "Do any of you pray for atheist leaders?" There were several answers. One stated "No" and went on to state that "Christians need to catch up" with them on the internet.
First, we should be praying for EVERYONE, regardless of religion, beliefs, values, or even political party. Jesus taught us to pray for our enemies, to love our enemies.
What is the best response? Living an authentic witness. Be Christlike. Love God, Love Others in everything you do. Don't judge, don't debate, don't berate, don't belittle, don't attack, don't protest, don't do anything that does not show love. And please, don't attack with vehemence and then try to hide it with "The Bible Says...." Cause if you do, you ain't reading it all, and you may have missed the important Jesus parts. You know, the parts about loving others, being a servant to all, or following His example. You Cannot, Will Not Save anyone! Only Jesus Saves. Your job is to live an authentic witness, be prepared to share your testimony when asked, to be a servant to all, and to Love everyone, even those that you may find it difficult to love.
You plant the seeds, the Holy Spirit will grow them.
In Christ,
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